A Long Strange Trip To Java

What can I say about this title, the book describes it better. I talk about this book in all my Core Java sessions. There is no book on Java except this one which shares with us the real history of Java Programming Language (Please correct me if I am wrong). The name of this book is Java Handbook by Patrick Naughton. It was released way back in 1996 and never revised again. Patrick is one of those apart from James Gosling who is responsible for Java. He in the Epilogue of this book describes all the stages through which Oak went through with and why it didn’t survive. I believe every Java developer should read this book and the Epilogue atleast. I was mesmerized when I read it again and I am sure I am going to read it again and again. Go grab your copy now!

And even there is an online uncensored version of the same available. If you just search for “A Long Strange Trip To Java”, you will find the same. Enjoy reading!